For Spring Planting:
Make sure the threat of frost has passed. Clear the area of debris. Scatter seeds. Cover with soil. Keep moist until sprouting. Then water daily. Thank you
For Fall Planting:
After the first frost, clear the area of debris. Scatter seeds. Cover with soil. Wait for spring for a beautiful bloom!
Featured plants: All New York Native!
Chamaecrista fasciculata - Partridge Pea
Elymus virginicus - Virginia Wildrye
Eragrostis spectabilis - Purple Lovegrass
Geum canadense - White Avens
Juncus tenuis - Poverty Rush
Oenothera biennis - Common Evening-Primrose
Psuedognaphalium obtusifolium - Rabbit Tobacco
Rudbeckia hirta - Black-Eyed Susan
Solidago nemoralis - Field Goldenrod
Available as premixed or Do It Yourself blends.